
Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about Bank Street School for Children to help families learn more about our school.

  • What are the hours of the school?

    See below for our program hours. Please note that After School and Early Morning Care programs are also available to support families.

    Grade Day/Time
    Preschool (3/4s) Half Day Monday – Thursday from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
    Friday from
    8:30 AM – 1:00 PM
    Preschool (3/4s) Full Day Monday – Thursday from 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
    Friday from 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM
    Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten (4/5s – 5/6s) Monday – Thursday from 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
    Friday from 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM
    Grade 1 (6/7s) Monday – Thursday from 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
    Friday from 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM
    Grade 2 – Grade 4 (7/8s – 9/10s) Monday – Friday from 8:25 AM – 3:00 PM
    Grade 5 – Grade 8 (10/11s – 13/14s) Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM – 3:25 PM
  • Is there a lunch program? Who provides snack?

    Students can enroll in our lunch program starting mid-year in the 5/6s. The program, provided by Butter Beans Kitchen, is open to all students in the 5/6s through 13/14s at an additional cost. Our students in the 3/4s and 4/5s enjoy lunch provided by their families.

  • How many students are in each class? What is the student to teacher ratio?

    There is an average of 18 students in a classroom across the school, but the actual number may vary depending upon the age and number of students per grade. For example, 3/4s classes do not exceed 16.

    The ratio of students to teachers in each classroom also can differ slightly according to grade and year but, generally speaking, across all divisions of the school there is a 6:1 ratio.

    In the Lower School and Middle School, each classroom has a head teacher, an associate teacher, who is also a student pursuing their graduate degree at the Bank Street Graduate School of Education, and a mid-day teacher. The Upper School has two head teachers, including a humanities teacher and a math/science teacher.
  • How racially diverse is the School for Children?

    Approximately 50 percent of students at the School for Children identify as students of color, making Bank Street one of the most diverse independent schools in New York City.

  • Are there sports programs?

    Upper School students may sign up for interscholastic sports that meet after school hours twice a week for practices and games against other schools. The sports program includes running, soccer, and volleyball (for 11/12s through 13/14s) in the fall, basketball in the winter, and running and softball in the spring.

    In our other divisions, there are different types of opportunities for students for engaging in physical activity. In the Lower School, movement classes allow children to develop fine and gross motor skills, build impulse control, and foster self-concept and self-esteem. The fundamental movement concepts of space, time, and energy are introduced. The focus is to facilitate creativity, imagination, risk-taking, and confidence through the exploration of movement concepts: space, time, and energy. Through movement, students integrate the brain and body, developing balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.

    In the Middle School, movement classes incorporate choreographic principles of unison, canon, and call and response into their work. Students collaborate in pairs and small groups to create group choreographies. In physical education, middle school students develop strength and endurance through fitness activities to build a foundation for a lifetime appreciation of fitness. Students are introduced to skills and equipment and participate in a variety of team sports, including lead-up games in team handball, football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and softball. Students participate in stretching, aerobic, and upper body strength exercises to increase fitness and prepare for fitness exams. Students also play competitive games and recreational tag games for a balanced approach to group play.

  • What world languages are taught at Bank Street?

    Spanish is taught starting in the 3/4s and continues through the 9/10s. Beginning in the 10/11s, students have the option of continuing with Spanish or taking French. 

  • What does the music program look like?

    The music program varies across divisions and ages

    There are two choruses in the Upper School—one for 10/11s and 11/12s and one for 12/13s and 13/14s. Both groups learn a diverse array of music, including classical, spiritual/gospel, folk, and contemporary pieces. The choruses perform at the Upper School Winter and Spring Concerts.

    In addition to chorus, Upper School students can participate in a variety of instrumental music opportunities, including eight rock bands, a string ensemble, and a wind ensemble.

  • Is there an After School program?

    The After School program offers both specialty classes for students as well as supervised spaces to play and complete homework for students who need to remain in school after dismissal, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

  • How does Bank Street build community?

    Community is fostered in many ways at Bank Street. In each division, classrooms gather in Assemblies on a regular basis. In the Lower School, parents and other family grown-ups can join the musical gathering and sing along with their child on certain dates. These assemblies are followed by coffee time for parents once a month. Additionally, the Buddies Program encourages friendship and community between the grades.

    For parents, Bank Street hosts an annual community-building event in December and a benefit in the spring. Our very active Parents Association hosts a number of social events throughout the year, allowing parents time to engage and socialize. 

    Bank Street also hosts various events for students and their families, including class potlucks and our annual Fall Fair.

  • Are there special admissions considerations for siblings?

    We offer early notification of admissions decisions to families who already have one or more children enrolled in the school. Our goal when parents apply for a sibling to be admitted to Bank Street is to keep the family together. However, while Bank Street may be the right fit for one child, it may not be the best fit for another.

  • How are assessments communicated to parents?

    Across all grades, two individual conferences with teachers and parents/guardians are scheduled each year. In the Upper School, students not only attend but lead their conferences. 

    In addition, Lower School teachers write a year-end report about each student. These reports describe the child’s areas of strength and areas of growth over the course of the year. Middle School and Upper School teachers write two reports per year about each student. These reports describe students’ progress to date in the year.

  • What are the benefits of sending my child to a school that ends in 8th grade?

    There are many benefits to an 8th-grade school. At Bank Street, our students are part of a community that values developmentally appropriate academic and social-emotional learning, which is reinforced at every grade level, allowing children to have the time and space to cherish their childhood and be kids for as long as possible.

    We understand that applying to high schools can be overwhelming, but by the time our students become 8th graders, they are fully prepared and empowered to be active partners in choosing a high school that fits their needs, interests, and goals, which is a unique benefit of a school that ends in 8th grade.

  • How are 8th-graders supported during the high school application process?

    Our 8th-grade students experience a robust and wonderful last year at the school, including a Mock Supreme Court unit and a Mock Congress unit that culminates in a spring trip to Washington, D.C. Students also put on a full musical theater production and experience a memorable graduation ceremony, all in addition to applying to high schools. The application process is conducted in collaboration with our Director of High School Placement & Exmissions who gets to know students starting in grade 7. They meet with parents to find what kind of schools they’re thinking about applying to and, through a collaborative process with families, students, and faculty.

  • How does Bank Street encourage students to flourish socially?

    Bank Street teachers pay special attention to the social and emotional needs of students and provide them with ways to build upon those portions of themselves daily. Outside of school, Bank Street students tend to be close and often become lifelong friends. 

  • What health and safety protocols does Bank Street follow regarding COVID-19?

    Bank Street has a robust set of health and safety policies in place to help curb the transmission of COVID-19.