Upper School students may sign up for interscholastic sports that meet after school hours twice a week for practices and games against other schools. The sports program includes running, soccer, and volleyball (for 11/12s through 13/14s) in the fall, basketball in the winter, and running and softball in the spring.
In the early Lower School grades, there are different types of opportunities for students for engaging in physical activity. Movement classes allow children to develop fine and gross motor skills, build impulse control, and foster self-concept and self-esteem. The fundamental movement concepts of space, time, and energy are introduced. The focus is to facilitate creativity, imagination, risk-taking, and confidence through the exploration of movement concepts: space, time, and energy. Through movement, students integrate the brain and body, developing balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.
In the later Lower School grades, movement classes incorporate choreographic principles of unison, canon, and call and response into their work. Students collaborate in pairs and small groups to create group choreographies. In physical education, students develop strength and endurance through fitness activities to build a foundation for a lifetime appreciation of fitness. Students are introduced to skills and equipment and participate in a variety of team sports, including lead-up games in team handball, football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and softball. Students participate in stretching, aerobic, and upper body strength exercises to increase fitness and prepare for fitness exams. Students also play competitive games and recreational tag games for a balanced approach to group play.