Our Community
Every school has a community. Experience and discovery among children and adults alike are part of every day life at Bank Street.
What does that look like at the School for Children? In the mornings at drop-off time, you’ll see adults and children on the sidewalk, smiling and greeting one another, folding scooters, putting away MetroCards, and exiting cars. Faculty are already in the classrooms setting up for the day.
There is excitement about being at school. Maybe there is a field trip on a sloop in the Hudson River. Or time in the teaching kitchen learning chemistry by cooking. There could be a rehearsal of the 8th grade musical or a mock election in the 7th grade. The Parents Association might be planning the Fall Fair, the Spelling Bee, or the Annual Spring Benefit.
Our families and our faculty live in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Westchester County, and New Jersey. Many have lived in the vicinity for generations and have attended or taught at Bank Street for generations. Many are new to the area, moving from far flung locations across the globe.
We are diverse. Almost half of us are people of color. We are proud to embrace all kinds of family structures: two dads, two moms, single parents, a mom and a dad, step-families, and gender non-conforming families.
At Bank Street, we teach, learn, and grow together. We believe deeply in the power of progressive education because our experience shows us time and time again that it works to help promote meaningful learning and create the leaders and change-makers of tomorrow.
414Total students
25%Full-time staff who are parents of current students or alumni
40%Full-time staff who have or are pursuing a Bank Street graduate degree
Community Voices