Tuition & Financial Aid
At Bank Street, students spend their formative years in a supportive yet rigorous learning environment curated by teachers with a deep understanding of child development. With this robust foundation, our students grow into passionate, bright, and curious learners prepared to excel in the most competitive high schools and colleges—and beyond.
As part of the larger Bank Street College of Education, the School for Children welcomes students and families into a community that is dedicated to the theory, practice, and implementation of meaningful education. This work begins with understanding and respecting every child and creating rich learning experiences that put students on the path to fulfilling their brightest dreams and boldest plans.
2024–25 School Year
Tuition includes the cost of books, field trips, classroom activities, and materials, as well as most programming after school for 10/11s and up. Tuition does not include the school lunch program, the Early Morning Care program, the 3/4s-9/10s After School program, and the Parents’ Association fee of $100. We offer financial aid for all grades, but please note that financial aid in the 3/4s is more limited compared to the 4/5s and above. In the 3/4s we offer only a limited number of financial aid spots and they have a maximum aid award of 50% off tuition.
- Preschool (3/4s) Half-Day: $36,110
- Preschool (3/4s) Full-Day: $41,269
- Pre-Kindergarten (4/5s): $55,511
- Kindergarten (5/6s)–Fourth Grade (9/10s): $63,688
- Fifth Grade (10/11s)–Eighth Grade (13/14s): $66,147
Tuition Payment Options
- Plan A: Total payment with contract at the time of enrollment
- Plan B: 60 percent due in July; 40 percent due the following January
- Plan C: Payments in installments over 10 months from mid-April to the following mid-January

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